Behaviour change training for local authority staff

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Equipping local authority staff with the skills to develop and improve community interventions, campaigns, and services.

We designed and delivered a behaviour change training and development programme for staff at Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, providing them with the tools to effectively deliver behaviour change.

The programme focused on the role and importance of behavioural insight, including how to gather then apply it. Participants included senior staff, commissioners, topic leads, and communications specialists. Topic content included:

  • An introduction to behaviour change
  • Insight sources and methods
  • Audience definition and segmentation
  • Linking insight with action
  • Behavioural models and frameworks

We delivered two one day in-person interactive courses for different staff cohorts and provided mentoring input on two local pilot intervention projects. The programme included content that introduce the role of behavioural insight in the staff induction process and an accompanying manual to help improve staff understanding, knowledge, skills, and resources for gathering and using behavioural insight.